All Pro Healthcare Services

A healthcare staffing website  aimed  at aligning top quality healthcare professionals with career coaching, pay & schedule advocacy with top quality long term care positions.

View Prototype
The AppPro interface will be available on desktop and mobile devices.
Screener Survey
User Interviews
Competitor/Comparator Analysis
Feature Prioritization
Persona Development
Journey Mapping
Design Studio
Usability Testing
Rapid Prototyping
Brendon Hoover
Kieara Thomas
Olivia Meyers
Sebastian Sandoval

My role
UX Researcher
UX Designer

3 week sprint
January 14 through February 1st


The Client

AllPro Health Staffing is the business endeavor that is the result of Yulandie Latham’s 14+ years in the medical field combined with her entrepreneurial spirit and desire to work on her own terms.  

AllPro Health Staffing’s business goal is to align top quality medical professionals with top quality facilities by offering career coaching and advocacy on behalf of the medical professionals she represents. AllPro makes sure that both the medical professionals and the facilities are fairly staffed, scheduled and paid.

Our Team

Our team consisted of a group of 4 UX Designers: Kieara Thomas as the Scrum Master & UX Design, Sebastian Sandoval as the Client Point of Contact & UI Design, Brendon Hoover as UX Research & Design, Olivia Meyers as UX Research & UI Design.

This case study will walk you through how and what our team did to research define, synthesize, and deliver the final product.

Yulandie Latham has more than 14 years as a nurse and helps align top nurses with top companies
Yulandie Latham teaches CPR to healthcare practitioner's in the heart of New York city.
If you would like to understand more about the why behind my design process, my writing style, or to view the full retrospective article, checkout my Medium.

Discovery Phase (Research)

•  Screener Survey
•  User interview Discussion Guide
•  User interviews

•  Competitor/Comparator Analysis
•  Competitive Matrix
•  Affinity Mapping

Flow and Process
After an initial interview with our stakeholder, we dove into creating a screener survey so we could find and interview people who matched our primary users, namely Licensed Medical Professionals who had a challenging experience finding a good job at a good facility.
Of the 12 responses, we interviewed 10 and analyzed the interviews for observations that could be used in Affinity Mapping.  

We completed a Competitive and Comparative Analysis, to understand where All Pro’s proposed features and functionality stood relative to its direct competitors and indirect comparators.

Next was a Competitive Matrix in order to show where All Pro was different from other similar businesses by comparing its unique value proposition on the axes of ‘Generalist’ to ‘Specialist’ job websites and ‘General Job’ posting board to ‘Job Specific’ recruiting boards.

Finally, Affinity Mapping was used to group the observations taken from the user interviews, elicit “I” Statements and Insight that would show us the pain points and behaviors that typical users to sites like AllPro experienced.

The competitive and comparative analysis was used to show how AllPro's services would compare with other businesses market niche
The competitive/comparative analysis revealed AllPro as a nurse specific recruiting and personalized advocacy service.
Affinity Mapping is used to find themes, behaviors & pain points along the path of nurses careers
The Affinity map above shows the groupings of observations, insights and “I” statements used to inform our Problem Statement.

The Research Takeaways:
•  Nurses enjoy using recruiters for their job seeking process because they.      simplify the process for them and act as a point of contact when
     applying to jobs.
•  Third party sights are unclear and unreliable for nurses when trying to find.      employment.
•  New nurses often feel they are not prepared for how difficult their job will be.      before applying and entering a new job.
•  Nurses lack the tools or support to negotiate their pay due to current industry.      norms.

Define Phase (Synthesis).

•  Problem Statement
•  Persona Development

•  Journey Map
•  Moscow Map

Flow and Process
The Define phase kicked off with the creation of our Problem Statement:

Nurses struggle to find jobs that both pay appropriately and give them a satisfying work-life balance.

As a nurse of 5 years, Jenn's certifications and experience are being undervalued. In her current job hunt, Jenn is feeling frustrated and confused due to the lack of information and details in the description she's finding on job boards. She is also struggling with following up with potential employers after submitting her application.

How might we help advocate on Jenn's behalf while clearly communicating the job requirements, pay, schedule, and responsibilities of the job?

We then crafted a Primary Persona, Jenn, to act as an anchor for our empathy and allow us to put a person and face behind the problem we were looking to address.

The User Persona is used to anchor our User in the design process
Our Persona Jenn Shaw wants to find a nursing opportunity that better fits her busy single mother life. Jenn is tired of endlessly searching and blindly applying to positions. She is looking for for helping from somebody who has walked this path before and can point her in the right direction.

We then created a journey map to understand the mindset and emotions  that Jenn experiences as she makes her way through researching, applying, interviewing and receiving job offers.

Journey Mapping gives a clearer picture of how nurses feel as they research, apply, interview and get job offers
Jenn's journey is a true emotional rollercoaster from entering the job market as a fresh nurse to landing a job to find its not what she was expecting.

Next we turned our attention to determining what features the new AllPro website must have, should have, could have, and won't include, by crafting a MoSCoW Map.

The map gave us a place to see what features to prioritize by the level of impact on the final product & user versus the effort to design & develop.

MoSCoW mapping shows what must be, what should be, what could be and what wont be included in the final design
Moscow mapping revealed the top features that would maximize AllPro's impact with the least amount of effort to design and develop.

Design Phase (Ideation)

• Design Studio
• Style Guide
• User Flow (Find a Job)
• MidFi Wireframes &     Prototype
• Usability Test Script

• MidFi Usability Testing
• HiFi Wireframes &     Prototypes
• HiFi Usability Tests
• HiFi Mobile Page Break

Flow and Process
With our Problem Statement & prioritized features in mind, we set off into a Design Studio session for both the home page as well as the signup/apply now page. This helped us flush out the basic layout and positioning of elements in LowFi sketches.

The Design studio gave us a mutual understanding of the look and feel so we compiled this into a Style Guide that would keep us aligned as we began to move into higher fidelity wireframes. To give us a clearer picture of what pages needed to be designed, we pivoted to a User Flow of “Apply and Find a Job”.  

We then converted the LoFi Sketches into MidFi Wireframes using our Style Guide and User Flow. The MidFi wireframes were then prototyped and tested on 5 Users. The results of the tests were compiled then the MidFi Wireframes were brought into HiFi Wireframe iterations as informed by the MidFi Usability tests.

We created a style guide that focused on a blue green gradient color pallet and a hybrid of Domine and Open Sans for the typeface.
Our Style Guide featured a blue green gradient color pallet with Domine and Open Sans as the typefaces.
The Find a Job flow laid out the flow for the primary reason users would use the AllPro site.
The Find a Job flow laid out the flow for the primary reason users would use the AllPro site.

It was here in the process, during our regular check-ins with our stakeholder that the issue of the “Find A Job” was brought to our attention. Initially the website was to have jobs postings but our stakeholder chose to not include this feature.

The initial website was to purely function as a place to apply to All Pro Healthcare Staffing with the intention of positions being directly assigned to accepted candidates versus candidates selecting the job they want from a list.

With these newly clarified parameters we iterated upon the HiFi Prototype one last time and polished up any last pixels that needed attention before conducting 5 usability tests on the HiFi Prototype and converting the tested designs into a mobile breakpoint design.

The grayscale MidFi screen has minor differences to the HiFi screen
The HiFi screen only changes the location of the testimonials to make them more prominent
The MidFi to HiFi screens brought about some minor layout shifts in testimonial placement
Grayscale MidFi screen to HiFI version 1 and lastly HiFi  Final
Grayscale MidFi screen to HiFI version 1 and lastly HiFi  Final
The mobile prototype shows the flow for each link from each major page of the sign up process
The mobile prototype shows the flow for each link from each major page of the sign up process

Deliver Phase (Iteration)

• Stakeholder Presentation
• Next Steps
• Zeplin Handoff

Flow and Process
With the Final HiFi Usability tests completed and reviewed, we were ready to deliver our Final Stakeholder presentation which brought the research, data, designs, analysis and iterations into one place with the result of Success.  Our stakeholder was overjoyed with the end result and was told about the next steps we recommended.  Once the ownership of both the Figma Prototype files and the Zeplin handoff Document were completed, we celebrated the major success of a beautifully designed, tested and received client website.

Next Project